Sunday, January 27, 2008


Today during worship, Butch's words wrapped themselves around me like a giant bear hug, the kind that you just need, and they don't let go. With every sentence the tears were inching upward, my chest was getting tighter, I gave my best low key sniffle, and I did everything not to think about the inevitable, the last Sunday I come to Living Hope, the last hope group I have with my essentially second family. And THEN, Butch closed with a video interview with a church member that turned my inconspicuous corner eye rub into crocodile tears. I hope Heather puts it on her blog soon, or it becomes available on the website, because this man's words were so true and sincere you could feel the holy spirit breaking hearts and melting fears. So lets see how many more times I cry during church when I think about leaving before August. I highly recommend downloading the podcast of today's sermon, or you can find it here.

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