Tuesday, November 27, 2007

it's the final countdown...

[cue the music...]

well I suppose it's not officially the FINAL countdown but for now if I can survive the next

1 day...presentation and portfolio due
2 days...final #1
9 days...research project due
10 days...final #2
13 days...final #done

I apologize for the lack of blogging lately, I will expand later about what's been going on, but for now it's back to school.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

from the freakonomics blog...

November 5, 2007, 1:42 pm

Environmentalism Run Amok
By Stephen J. Dubner

An e-mail just turned up in my in-box. It was clearly selling something, and the text ended with the following thoughtful note:

Please consider the environment — do you really need to print this e-mail?

And what, you ask, was the e-mail selling?

Private jet travel.

Like the man said: please consider the environment.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

things I love about going home. [weekend edition]

[not in order of importance]

1. eating at Mercado's. This is my favorite restaurant in Tyler, it's a super good mexican food place that has been around since before I was born.

2. playing with my dogs.

3. the feeling of "home".

4. sleeping in my bed.

5. NOT checking my email, facebook, etc. all weekend.

6. shopping with my mom and Kaitlin.

7. my routine of getting coffee when I leave CS and getting a big diet dr. pepper and rolo's on the way back.

8. my family's humor when we're together and how we laugh a lot.

9. completely forgetting for 2.5 days about all the things I need to get done in college station.

10. conversations with my dad.

And on another note, while briefly checking the news a few minutes ago, I saw this article from the post about the science behind crying in movies. I found it funny since it takes hardly anything to get me crying in a movie.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

life lesson learned the hard way #821: you can't make pesto in a blender.

Or with a hand mixer.

Or by pounding the basil with the thing used to push the food through the food processor. [well maybe if you had hours.]

You have to have a good food processor then when the recipe says it only takes 5 minutes can you actually believe it.

This morning I was browsing recipes online at work - trust me there was nothing else to do - and I decided I wanted to have chicken and pasta with pesto sauce tonite for dinner, I got so excited about my delicious meal and I was looking forward to making it all day and after my last class I got everything I needed at the grocery store. I rushed home and prepared everything, [I planned on eating a late lunch/early dinner because I go to work at 5:30 and get off at 8 and have plans afterwards] and realized that chopped basil can only turn into paste one way, through a food processor, like the recipe says. I tried using my roommates little one to no avail, I'm still not sure how it works but besides basil flying everywhere and the amount that did go through not getting turned into paste, it was a horrible failure. Thats when I turned to the blender, mixer, and the pounding. Sadly all my efforts on resulted in about 5 tablespoons of something closely resembling sewage. I'm a little disappointed.

But I'm going home tomorrow and I'm very excited about that, and speaking of I need to go get some packing done.