Wednesday, October 17, 2007

some perspectives on adoption.

I was reading a blog by the pastor at FBC Grand Cayman, Thabiti Anyabwile, [also linked on the right], and soon found my way to another blog, [don't you love how that happens?] a Christian adoption agency in South Carolina where he was being interviewed about transracial adoption. I know it is a common occurence to see biracial families at my church and hear wonderful and heartbreaking stories about the process, but truthfully it is a very hard thing for a lot of people to not only approve of but accept as morally okay, which is ridiculous, but it's the way things are. This is a journey I want to embark upon one day God willing and so I thought it was worth posting about here. I haven't read everything, it's quite a bit but here are the links if you feel like digging though some Biblical truths about adoption and racism in general.

Pure Church - blog of Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile, really challenging to read on a regular basis, not just this once

Carolina Hope Christian Adoption Agency & their blog

Specific interviews on transracial adoption:

by Thabiti Anyabwile
by J. B. Watkins

An extensive article by Anyabwile on racism, ethnicity, our identities in Christ, and how this relates to the church, it's long but it's probably all worth reading, I'm taking it a little bit a day.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the links to our blog, Kristen (I'm a writer there). There's a (growing) series of adoption interviews at the blog, and you can see them all in our sidebar at "Adoption Interviews." Our main blogger, Dan Cruver, is working hard to bring a lot of perspectives together on a single theme: the inter-relations between human adoption and theological adoption. (Incidentally, Dan himself has adopted two African American children.)

The Roberts' said...

yay for brown babies!