Friday, August 31, 2007

now a word from our sponsor...

sorry to interrupt the regularly scheduled vacation blog post, but I've been cleaning/reorganising/throwing away lots of stuff and I realized I have a ton of these:

At the beginning of sophomore year when I moved ino the house I still live in now, I thought these storage container things were simply amazing [and they are] and I bought about 3 sets of these things, and they came in cubes of 6 that you assemble [that adds up to a lot of these things]. Well I've quit using them completely since them and I know I will never need that many ever again - I had crazy colossal ideas of storage for my closet when I bought them, it didn't work out quite as planned - so if you would like some of these storage cubes, they are currently unassembled in my closet and I would LOVE to give them away. So if you want any let me know!

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