Wednesday, August 1, 2007

it's back.

I've gone through the phase of wanting to get my nose pierced twice, and it's back.

Like for real, if I could go right now I think I would.

And now I'm considering the option logically. Before, it was just I really want a little thing on the side of my nose, now its I want the little thing on the side of my nose and I only have a year left to have it. What other time in my life am I going to be able to have it? I can't think of any, unless I only wear it on the weekends or something once I join the [scoff] "real world" [which I completely agree with John Mayer on, that it doesn't exist; and so what if I think the best of me is hiding up my, ahem, sleeve?].

Christina is coming in on the 7th, I think I'm going to inspect hers again, and then possibly start praying for a clean piercing place to appear in jamaica while were on vacay, where I will plead my case, ["It's only for a year!"] to my parents. I can see it all now. Really, I can, remember the last post?


1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hey, I just found your blog! How did I not know you had one? And how has it been all summer since we've talked? You should come over sometime and hang out and I will tell you all about the time I got my nose pierced in a dirty jewelry shop in a third world country.

P.S. I think you'd pull off a tiny nose piercing very well.